A warm welcome to the church of Holy Trinity and St Mary, Berwick-upon-Tweed
On 31 August the church welcomed the Emerson Wind Quintet along with our Director of Music, Kit Hobkirk, for a concert in aid of the Berwick Food Bank and church funds.. Click here for more photos.
On 29 June the church welcomed three choirs who joined together for a choral workshop in aid of the RNLI. Click here for more photos.
On Friday, June 7, a capacity audience in Berwick Parish Centre heard Professor John Barton deliver a fascinating talk on the King James and other translations of The Bible. The talk had been arranged by Berwick Parish Church Trust in conjunction with the Berwick Literary Festival, as a contribution to the programme commemorating the 400th anniversary of Berwick Bridge John Barton, who was Professor of The Interpretation of Holy Scripture at Oxford University, had given his talk a lengthy title – “Authorised and Unauthorised Versions: Bridges or Barriers? The King James Bible and its Modern Successors” – but his relaxed delivery and interesting insights into the translators’ art kept his audience enthralled.
Click here for full article and here to view a video of the talk.
Finished ahead of schedule, our hidden solar panels and battery storage will be reducing our carbon footprint and making money within the next few weeks – as soon as the fire safe cupboard has been made around the batteries and inverter.
The church is grateful to local company Maden Eco for their swift and respectful execution of the work and extremely grateful to the following contributors for their funding: the CoRE Legacy Fund, Garfield Weston Foundation, Benefact Trust, Aviva Community Fund and to the community of Berwick, parishioners and congregation, for their generous support.
The support and advice of the Newcastle Diocese, the Church Buildings Council and Northumberland County Council Planning Dept has also been highly valued.
Former curate John Vilseca was head chef for a delightful evening of Spanish cuisine, much enjoyed by all.
A number of us travelled to Dalton-in-Furness to support Tom and Sam as Tom was licensed by the Bishop of Penrith (and acting Bishop of Carlisle) as priest in charge of the benefice of St Mary’s, Dalton-in-Furness, and St Peter’s, Ireleth with Askam.
The Eco group is continuing its work on greening of the churchyard with these benches for those that wish to relax and contemplate nature. A cycle rack has also been installed to encourage those that wish to cycle to church and help save the planet.
Walking the length of the Northumberland Coastal Path in all weathers, friends and families of Berwick Parish Church raised £6000 for the Church Carbon Neutral Project.
Thank you to all the flower ladies for the wonderful flowers for Easter Day!
Children North East recently worked with Anne and with Paul to put up their bird boxes (their design and construction) in the churchyard.
Berwick Parish Church hosted the first public concert by the Berwick Baroque players in a concert in aid of church funds featuring works by Bach, Scarlatti and Porpora.
After nine years service to the parish, Dennis retired on 1st August 2023. Sunday 9th July was his last Sunday, and this was marked by a reception in the Guildhall on the Saturday, attended by local dignatories, church members, and representatives of the many whose lives Dennis’s ministry has touched.
What a memorable day! We had a fantastic day celebrating the coronation of King Charles 111 together, with a street party and the Coronation Commemoration Service. Thank you to the social committee and everyone who worked so hard to make the afternoon such a memorable…