Berwick Church west end

Berwick Church Trust

Berwick Parish Church Trust

is a registered charity established in 1986 to help finance the “restoration, preservation, enhancement and beautification” of Holy Trinity and St Mary Church: The Parish Church of Berwick-upon-Tweed.

The Trust’s principal aim is to assist the Parochial Church Council in the preservation and repair of the church and its fittings, thus securing the future of this historic, Grade 1 Listed and important place of worship for the people of Berwick.

The Trust’s deed also gives discretion to the Trustees to support the wider work of the church if so requested by the PCC.  However, donors may specify that donations are restricted to exclude this discretion. If you wish to restrict your donation in this way, please e-mail the Treasurer at .

How to donate


To keep our administration to a minimum we have partnered with the charity “Stewardship” to collect donations on our behalf. They look after all the administration and will process any Gift Aid for us so that your donation can have maximum effect.


In order to set up your donation on-line just follow this link or download the application form and mail to “Freepost STEWARDSHIP” along with your direct debit mandate (for regular donations) or cheque (for one-off donations).

If you would like further information about setting up donations or arranging a bequest, please email or look at our Legacy leaflet.

Current projects


The church fabric is officially inspected every five years. The next inspection is due in 2024 and it is expected that substantial repairs to the stonework will be required.


The organ is in need of £3,000 for urgent repairs, and within the next few years the leathers and trunking will have to be replaced, costing over £50,000, There is a restricted fund for donors wishing to give specifically to this work.


The PCC is currently assessing the work that will be needed to make the church carbon neutral by 2030, in keeping with the aims of the Church of England. It is anticipated that substantial funds will be required to achieve this objective.