
Parochial Church Council

Decisions affecting the running of the church are the responsibility of the Parochial Church Council (PCC). The PCC consists of the clergy, churchwardens, lay reader, deanery synod representatives and twelve members elected by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). Elected members serve for three years, on completion of which they are eligible to serve for a second term. The PCC may also co-opt up to two additional members More detailed information is available in the Church Representation Rules.

The PCC meets six times a year, usually in an evening, and in addition sometimes holds a special event to review and develop strategy.

Anyone on the electoral roll may attend the APCM, and if you attend the church regularly and are not already on the electoral roll and wish to be, please download the application form.

If you are interested in becoming a PCC elected member, please speak to one of the churchwardens or e-mail .