Service Times



8.30am: Holy Communion

10.00am: Parish Eucharist

6.00pm: Evensong


Each weekday:

You are warmly invited to join the clergy in saying Morning and Evening Prayer at

8.30am and 5.00pm



10.00am: Holy Communion

(Book of Common Prayer)



Church open daily


for private prayer and visitors


9.00am – 5.00pm


Orders of Service

The order of service for the Sunday Eucharists and monthly newsletters may be found below.


More information about individual services is available via the calendar on our  ‘What’s On‘ page.


Watch via YouTube

Our Sunday Parish Eucharist is streamed online live Youtube.




There are a number of historic videos already on our Youtube channel, including a history of the building, information about the windows and a short biography of the WW1 poet, Noel Hodgson, who was son of the vicar at the time of WW1 and was killed at the Battle of the Somme.



The clergy say Morning and Evening Prayer daily, at 8.30am and 5pm. All are welcome to join them.

If you have any prayer requests please let us know.

Eucharists commemorating Saints’ Days take place at 10.00am in church.