
Berwick Parish Church, dedicated to Holy Trinity and St. Mary, is committed to:

This commitment is shared by all our staff and volunteers.

  1. The care, nurture of, and respectful pastoral ministry with, all children, young people and adults.
  2. The safeguarding and protection of all children, young people and adults.
  3. Being a safe and caring community which provides a loving environment where victims of abuse can report or disclose abuse and where they can find support and best practice that contributes to the prevention of abuse.
  4. By adopting the House of Bishop’s ‘Promoting a Safer Church: safeguarding policy statement’

Paper copies are displayed on the noticeboards in church and in the parish centre.

The local  Safeguarding Officer is Joyce Currie.

The DBS officer is Christine Smith (Tel: 330735).

The Northumberland County Council Safeguarding Team may be contacted on: 01670 536400.

Further advice and guidance may be obtained from the leaflet ‘You will be listened to’, which is available as a PDF document. This gives information and help on how to report abuse within the church and how the church will respond.

The Diocese of Newcastle’s Safeguarding policies and procedures, together with national Church of England documents relating to Safeguarding, can be viewed on the Diocesan website.