Community Links

Food Bank

Donations for the food bank may be left in church, at the Vicarage, or taken to the Berwick Community Trust in the William Elder Building in Castlegate. The food bank is very grateful for donations of long shelf, non-perishable food and toiletry items.

The local organisers of the Food Bank are very grateful to the congregation for their continuing support of this invaluable service.

Further information and advice about using the Food Bank may be found here.


Local Credit Union

Since the Archbishop of Canterbury raised the profile of Credit Unions, Lambeth Palace has been “flooded with letters and e-mails” that were “overwhelmingly positive”, said the Archbishop on his blog on the 12th August.

Northumberland Credit Union

The following information is taken from material published by Northumberland Credit Union  which is one of two Credit Unions operating in the county of Northumberland.

What is a Credit Union?
It is a not-for-profit savings and loans organisation owned and run by local people for local people.  It is not a bank or a building society.

Why should I join?
For cheap loans with free life assurance and it’s an easy way to save.

Who can join?
Anyone aged 18 or over living or working in Northumberland.  Under 18s can join as junior savers.

What if I don’t have a job?
That doesn’t matter.

What if I don’t have a driving licence or passport?
That doesn’t matter – all you need are two documents proving who you are and where you live, plus a £2 joining fee.  Junior savers do not have to pay the joining fee.

How do I get a loan?
If you are over 18 and have been saving regularly with the Credit Union, you can apply for a loan.  Loans from the Credit Union will cost much less than most others for our average size loan.

How much do I have to save?
As much or as little (from £1 per week) as you can afford.

How can I make payments?
In cash at any of the Credit Union’s volunteer-run paying-in points;
At Council Offices, Wallace Green;
Four Housing (Berwick Borough Housing) tenants can get an extra AllPay card to use for paying in;
By standing order from a bank or building society account;
At certain Northumberland County Council Information Centres;
By deduction from pay (for employees and pensioners of Northumberland County Council; DAWN (Debt Advice Within Northumberland) or Berwick Borough Housing.

Will my money be safe?
Yes!  The Credit Union is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority – the same as banks and building societies.  Money save with the Credit Union is protected in the same way as money saved with a bank or building society.

I am interested in joining – what can I do?
E-mail the Credit Union at

The Credit Union depends heavily on volunteers.  If you are interested please get in touch with the organisers.

Northumberland Credit Union Ltd
37 Shields Road
NE61 2SA

Example of £100 loan repaid over 12 months with Northumberland Credit Union:
Amount of loan:                      £100.00
Interest charged:                          6.50
Total to be repaid:                £106.50