Plant a Tree

Plant a Tree

What a difference 25 years can make!

In 1995 the vicar decided to transform an ancient graveyard in the heart of industrial West Yorkshire into an environmental haven, with hundreds of native trees, wildflowers, butterfly garden and wetland area. During the summer he returned to see what had happened.

What’s your vision for your local environment?

Before …

During …

(And yes, he had hair then!)

And now!

Deep peace of the running wave to you,
Deep peace of the flowing air to you,

Deep peace of the quiet earth to you,

Deep peace of the shining stars to you,

Deep peace of the Son of peace to you.
Create a lasting legacy to benefit our environment, by planting a tree.

The Northumberland County Council Free Tree Scheme  has now closed, but you can still register for next year on their website below. 

Apply at

Trees are available for small, medium or large gardens.  There are also planter sized shrubs for people with limited space. Trees are brought to Berwick to be collected.

Alternatively, Trees for Life will plant a tree on your behalf in the Caledonian Forest, Scottish Highlands.    

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